
Vendor Spotlight: Syncro

Syncro is a software company known for its Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) and Professional Services Automation (PSA) platform tailored for managed service providers (MSPs). The company offers an all-in-one solution that helps MSPs manage their clients’ IT systems, automate workflows, and streamline business operations.

The Syncro platform is hosted in the cloud and delivered as a SaaS package. As well as its RMM and PSA units, the Syncro bundle includes a remote access utility.

Syncro’s Origins and Philosophy

Syncro was founded in 2018 as a result of a merger between two software companies, RepairShopr and Kabuto. Both companies were focused on providing tools for the MSP and IT services industries, and their merger allowed them to combine their strengths into a unified platform under the Syncro brand.

  • RepairShopr was a business management platform specifically designed for repair shops, offering invoicing, ticketing, and CRM features.
  • Kabuto provided lightweight RMM tools, primarily aimed at offering managed antivirus solutions and a simple client management interface.

The merger was driven by the vision of creating a more extensive platform that could serve the growing needs of MSPs by combining the business management capabilities of RepairShopr with the device management tools of Kabuto.

RepairShopr itself earlier benefited from a merger. This occurred in 2017 when RepairShopr (established in 2008) absorbed RepairTech (established in 2011). Troy Anderson, owner and CEO of RepairShopr continued as the leader of the new company.

The merger between RepairShopr and Kabuto was implemented by creating a parent company, called Servably, Inc. That company was headed by Robert Reichner who had been a director of RepairShopr since 2013. Even after the creation of Syncro both the RepairShopr and RepairTech brands continued to operate – both are still available today. The Kabuto brand was retired.

Reichner stood down as the CEO in October 2021 but he remains on the board. Troy Anderson became the Chief Technology Officer of Syncro and remained in that position until January 2022, when stood back to become a non-executive director.

Company Timeline and Evolution

Since its creation by merger, Syncro has developed its brand, creating a cloud-based dashboard that can be accessed from anywhere through any standard dashboard.

  • 2018: The company was officially launched following the merger of RepairShopr and Kabuto. Syncro introduced its integrated RMM and PSA platform, which quickly gained traction among small to medium-sized MSPs.
  • 2019-2020: Syncro expanded its feature set, adding more automation tools, integrations with popular third-party software, and enhanced security features to meet the evolving needs of its user base.
  • August 2020: Mainsail Partners invests in Syncro and becomes a major shareholder.
  • October 2021: Syncro acquires Watchman Monitoring, which specializes in tools to monitor and manage Apple devices.
  • 2021-2023: The platform continued to evolve with a focus on scalability, allowing it to cater to larger MSPs. Syncro also began offering more flexible pricing plans, making its services accessible to a broader range of users.

Company Ownership

Syncro is a privately held company, with ownership details closely held by the founders and key investors. Since its inception, Syncro has been led by a small team of experienced professionals from the MSP and IT services industries. The only institutional investor that is currently a shareholder in the company is Mainsail Partners. The exact percentage that Mainsail owns has not been disclosed.

Key People

  • Robert Reichner: Robert Reichner was the first CEO of Syncro. He stepped back from that role in October 2021 but remains on the Board of Directors He has played a significant role in guiding Syncro’s growth and strategic direction. His background in the IT services industry has been instrumental in aligning Syncro’s offerings with the needs of MSPs.
  • Troy Anderson: As he was the main owner of RepairShopr, Anderson was probably the largest shareholder in Syncro when the company was formed. He took the role of Chief Technology Officer of Syncro and took responsibility for creating the new platform. He stood back in January 2022 to become a non-executive director. There is no indication that Anderson ever sold any of his shares, although the buy-in by Mainsail would have diluted his ownership stake considerably.
  • Michael George: The current CEO of Syncro, who has been in that position since February 2024. George had previously been the CEO of Continuum, an RMM that was bought by ConnectWise, and then CEO of Invicti Security.


Syncro was founded in Seattle, Washington but has since moved its base to Tampa, Florida. Almost all the company’s staff, however, don’t go into the office. The company claims to be 100 percent remote. However, it does seem to have some staff members in its Tampa offices. Although staff are based at home, they are all expected to be located in the United States.

Syncro Target Market

Syncro primarily targets managed service providers (MSPs), particularly those serving small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs). MSPs use Syncro to streamline their operations, automate service delivery, and improve customer satisfaction. The platform is designed to address the needs of:

  1. Small to Medium-Sized MSPs These are MSPs managing a relatively small number of clients, typically SMBs, who need a cost-effective, all-in-one solution for remote monitoring, management, and automation. Syncro’s pricing and feature set are particularly attractive to this segment because it offers comprehensive functionality at a competitive price.
  2. MSPs Looking for Integrated Solutions Syncro appeals to MSPs that want an integrated RMM (Remote Monitoring and Management) and PSA (Professional Services Automation) tool. By providing both in one platform, Syncro eliminates the need for multiple software solutions, reducing complexity and costs.
  3. MSPs with Diverse Client Needs MSPs serving clients across various industries can benefit from Syncro’s flexibility. The platform supports a range of IT management tasks, including ticketing, billing, customer relationship management (CRM), and automated patch management, making it adaptable to different business environments.

Customer Base

Syncro’s customer base primarily consists of MSPs that provide IT services to SMBs across various industries, including healthcare, finance, education, and retail. The company declares that it currently serves 4,000 customers. Key characteristics of Syncro’s customer base include:

  • Small to Medium MSPs A significant portion of Syncro’s customers are smaller MSPs, often with fewer than 50 employees. These companies typically manage IT services for clients with limited in-house IT resources, making Syncro’s comprehensive, easy-to-use platform highly valuable.
  • Cost-Conscious MSPs Syncro attracts MSPs that are budget-conscious but still require robust functionality. The platform’s competitive pricing and scalable features make it accessible to MSPs that may not have the resources to invest in more expensive, enterprise-grade solutions.
  • Global Presence While Syncro is based in the United States, it serves a global customer base. MSPs from various regions, including North America, Europe, and Australia, use Syncro to manage their clients’ IT needs. The platform’s cloud-based nature facilitates remote work, which is essential for MSPs with geographically dispersed teams or clients.

Product Suite

The Syncro platform combines remote monitoring and management (RMM) and professional services automation (PSA) tools plus a remote access system. It is specifically designed for managed service providers (MSPs) to manage and automate their IT services for small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs). The Syncro product suite has evolved in tandem with the broader advancements in network technologies, providing MSPs with a powerful, all-in-one solution.

Important modules on the platform include:

  • Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) Syncro’s RMM tools allow MSPs to remotely monitor client devices, deploy software updates, manage patches, and ensure systems are running smoothly. It includes features like automated alerts, scripting, and integrated antivirus. The package can also monitor off-network systems, such as the PCs of work-from-home employees and cloud platforms.
  • Professional Services Automation (PSA) Syncro’s PSA features include ticketing, customer relationship management (CRM), invoicing, and reporting. These tools help MSPs manage their business operations, track time, and bill clients accurately. The PSA can integrate with third-party applications, such as QuickBooks for accounting and Xero for financial management.
  • Billing and Invoicing Syncro offers automated billing and invoicing features, allowing MSPs to bill clients for services based on time-tracked, recurring invoices, and product sales. It supports both one-time and recurring billing models. Syncro has incorporated integrations with payment gateways, making it easier for MSPs to process payments securely and efficiently.
  • Scripting and Automation The platform includes a scripting engine that allows MSPs to automate routine tasks across multiple endpoints, such as deploying updates or performing system maintenance. With the advent of more powerful scripting languages and the need for more complex automation, Syncro’s scripting capabilities have expanded to support advanced scenarios, including condition-based automation and integration with other automation tools.
  • Integrations Syncro integrates with various third-party applications and services, including antivirus tools, backup solutions, and accounting software. These integrations allow MSPs to extend Syncro’s functionality and tailor the platform to their specific needs. As APIs and cloud services have become more common, Syncro has added more integrations, reflecting the broader industry move towards ecosystems of connected applications.

Evolution of the Product Suite

Syncro has successfully evolved its product suite in line with the broader trends in network and IT management technologies. By integrating RMM and PSA into a single platform, Syncro offers MSPs a comprehensive toolset that helps them streamline operations, automate workflows, and deliver better service to their clients.

While the company has faced challenges, it has shown a commitment to improving its products and services in response to customer feedback, ensuring that it remains a competitive option in the MSP market.

Challenges and Solutions

Like many tech companies, Syncro has faced challenges as it has grown and evolved:

User Interface and Experience

  • Issue: Early versions of Syncro received feedback about the complexity and usability of its interface, which could be overwhelming for new users.
  • Solution: Syncro has since invested in improving its user interface, making it more intuitive and user-friendly, particularly for smaller MSPs who may not have extensive technical backgrounds.


  • Issue: Some MSPs operate out of multiple offices that are strategically placed in different time zones around the world to provide 24-hour support and others employ home-based workers. Not all MSPs have all their staff in one office.
  • Solution: Syncro’s console provides role-based dashboards that are hosted in the cloud. The Syncro service is available through any standard Web browser from anywhere. This enables an MSP to manage a scattered team as though they were all in the same place.


  • Issue: Some MSPs provide services that require technicians to go out on site. IT systems include hardware and that sometimes requires physical contact. An example of such a provider would be a business that provides hardware maintenance.
  • Solution: Syncro provides a mobile app. This is available for free in versions for iOS and Android.


  • Issue: As Syncro grew, some users reported difficulties in scaling the platform to meet the needs of larger MSPs with more complex requirements.
  • Solution: Syncro addressed these concerns by enhancing its infrastructure and adding features that support larger operations, such as multi-site management and more granular permission settings.

Customer Support

  • Issue: In its early days, Syncro faced criticism for its customer support, with some users feeling that response times were slow.
  • Solution: The company has worked to improve its support services, including offering 24/7 support for premium customers and creating a more extensive knowledge base and community forum to assist users more effectively.

SyncroMSP Syncro RMM

Syncro’s Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) tool is the centerpiece of their product suite, designed to help Managed Service Providers (MSPs) monitor and manage their clients’ IT infrastructure remotely. As an integrated solution within the Syncro platform, the RMM tool is vital for MSPs looking to streamline their operations, improve client service, and increase efficiency.

Key Features:

  • Device Monitoring and Alerts: Real-time monitoring of client devices, including servers, workstations, and network devices. The system will generate alerts when issues are detected, allowing MSPs to respond quickly to potential problems. The system will access endpoints running Windows or macOS, but not Linux.
  • Automated Scripting: The RMM tool supports automated scripting, enabling MSPs to deploy scripts across multiple devices simultaneously. This feature is particularly useful for routine tasks like software updates, system cleanups, and other maintenance activities.
  • Patch Management: Syncro offers comprehensive patch management capabilities, allowing MSPs to schedule and deploy patches across client systems. This ensures that all devices are kept up to date with the latest security patches and software updates.
  • Integrated Antivirus: The RMM tool includes integrated antivirus management, making it easy for MSPs to deploy and manage antivirus software across their clients’ networks. This helps in maintaining a consistent security posture across all managed devices.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Syncro RMM provides detailed reporting and analytics, allowing MSPs to generate reports on system health, device status, and other key metrics. These reports can be customized and shared with clients to keep them informed about the state of their IT infrastructure.
  • Custom Alerts and Notifications: MSPs can configure custom alerts and notifications based on specific criteria, ensuring that they are immediately informed of critical issues that require attention.

Syncro’s flagship RMM product is a cost-effective solution for MSPs, particularly those managing small to medium-sized businesses. Integration with Syncro’s PSA and remote access tools makes it a comprehensive platform for managing client IT services. While it may not have all the advanced features of higher-end competitors, it offers a great balance of functionality, ease of use, and value for its target market.


  • Ease of Use: Syncro RMM is known for its user-friendly interface, making it accessible to MSPs of all sizes, particularly those who may not have extensive technical backgrounds.
  • Cost-Effective: Compared to other RMM solutions, Syncro offers a competitive pricing structure, making it an attractive option for smaller MSPs.
  • All-in-One Solution: Being part of the broader Syncro platform, the RMM tool integrates seamlessly with the PSA and other tools, reducing the need for multiple software solutions.
  • Automation Capabilities: The robust automation features help MSPs save time and reduce manual effort, which is crucial for improving efficiency.


  • Limited Advanced Features: While Syncro RMM is comprehensive, it may lack some of the more advanced features offered by higher-end competitors like advanced AI-driven threat detection.
  • Customization: The customization options, while decent, are not as extensive as those offered by some competitors, potentially limiting the ability to tailor the solution to very specific needs.

Other Notable Syncro Products

1. Syncro PSA

Syncro’s PSA was designed to help MSPs manage their business operations, from ticketing and invoicing to CRM and reporting. The ticketing system of Syncro PSA allows MSPs to track and manage client requests efficiently. The integrated CRM helps MSPs manage client relationships, track interactions, and store essential client data. The PSA tool also supports automated invoicing based on generated timesheets or flat-rate services. Automated invoicing reduces administrative overhead and ensures timely billing.

The PSA is hosted on the same platform as the Syncro RMM. Interaction between the two systems allows for efficient workflow management. The screens for the PSA dashboard are designed with simplicity in mind, making it easy to use for MSPs of all sizes.

While the CRM is useful, it may lack the depth and features found in dedicated CRM solutions. The reporting capabilities, while sufficient for most small to medium-sized MSPs, may not meet the needs of larger enterprises.

2. Syncro Remote Access

Syncro’s Remote Access feature allows MSPs to access and control client devices remotely, enabling them to troubleshoot issues and provide support without needing to be physically present. Technicians can securely access client desktops to perform troubleshooting, install software, and manage settings. The tool supports secure file transfer between the MSP’s system and the client’s device. For compliance or training purposes, Syncro allows MSPs to record remote sessions.

The remote access tool is straightforward and easy to set up, requiring minimal configuration. Syncro provides secure, encrypted connections for remote sessions, ensuring client data is protected. Being part of the Syncro platform, it integrates well with other tools like RMM and PSA.

Compared to dedicated remote access tools like TeamViewer or LogMeIn, Syncro’s remote access capabilities are more basic. Some users have reported occasional lag or performance issues during remote sessions, particularly over slower internet connections.

Plans and Pricing

All the services on the Syncro platform are included in a single package. It isn’t possible to get a subscription to just the RMM or just the remote access tool.

Syncro Plans

There are two editions of the platform with the base plan called the Core plan and the higher plan that has a few more features, called the Team plan.

Per-User Pricing

Syncro operates on a per-user pricing model, meaning that MSPs pay based on the number of technicians using the platform. This allows businesses to scale their usage and costs according to their growth.

Monthly and Annual Billing

  1. Monthly Billing: MSPs can opt for a month-to-month subscription, which provides flexibility without long-term commitments.
  2. Annual Billing: By choosing an annual subscription, MSPs can secure a discount compared to the monthly rate, offering cost savings for long-term users.

Free Trial and Demos

Both of the Syncro plans are available for a free trial. The platform is hosted in the cloud, so you don’t need to download any software in order to access the package. You sign up on the Syncro website for the free trial of your choice. Local agents will be downloading during the onboarding process. The free trial lasts for 14 days.

If you prefer to just access a demo of the Syncro system to help you assess the system, that is possible. The demo is a 12-minute record walkthrough, which you watch on the website after entering your company’s details.

Major competitors

Syncro faces competition from several key players in the Managed Service Provider (MSP) software market. These competitors offer similar RMM and/or PSA packages. Below are some major competitors to Syncro:

1. ConnectWise Manage

ConnectWise Manage is a comprehensive PSA tool that integrates with ConnectWise’s RMM (ConnectWise Automate) and other products. It is designed for MSPs that require advanced automation, extensive reporting, and integration capabilities.


  • Highly customizable and scalable, suitable for large MSPs.
  • Extensive integration with other ConnectWise products and third-party applications.
  • Strong focus on process automation and workflow management.


  • Can be complex to set up and manage, especially for smaller MSPs.
  • Pricing can be high, particularly for smaller teams.

2. Kaseya VSA

Kaseya VSA is an RMM tool that provides MSPs with the ability to remotely manage, monitor, and secure their clients’ IT environments. Kaseya also offers a broad suite of IT management products that integrate with VSA.


  • Robust RMM features with extensive automation and scripting capabilities.
  • Integrated security tools, such as endpoint management and patch management.
  • Scalable solution for MSPs of all sizes.


  • User interface can be less intuitive compared to competitors.
  • Some users report that the platform can be resource-intensive and slow.

3. Datto RMM

Datto RMM is a cloud-based RMM solution that is part of Datto’s broader suite of business continuity and IT management tools. It is known for its ease of use and robust security features.


  • Simplified user interface and easy deployment.
  • Strong focus on security, with features like 2FA and automated patch management.
  • Integrated with Datto’s backup and disaster recovery solutions.


  • Limited customization options compared to more complex tools like ConnectWise.
  • Pricing can be a concern for smaller MSPs.

4. Atera

Atera offers an all-in-one platform that combines RMM, PSA, and remote access tools in a single solution. It is particularly popular with small to medium-sized MSPs due to its user-friendly interface and per-technician pricing model.


  • Simple, transparent pricing model with unlimited endpoints.
  • Easy to use, with a quick setup process.
  • Integrated with a wide range of third-party tools and services.


  • May lack some advanced features required by larger MSPs.
  • Reporting and analytics tools are more basic compared to competitors like ConnectWise.

5. NinjaOne

NinjaOne is a lightweight, cloud-based RMM platform known for its simplicity and speed. It focuses on providing essential RMM functions with a user-friendly interface and strong customer support.


  • Fast and easy to deploy with a clean, intuitive user interface.
  • Strong customer support and responsive development team.
  • Competitive pricing with flexible plans.


  • Lacks some advanced PSA features, requiring integration with other tools for full functionality.
  • Limited customization and fewer integrations compared to more established platforms.


Syncro’s target market is focused on MSPs, particularly those managing SMB clients who need a cost-effective, integrated solution for IT management. Its customer base is diverse, encompassing MSPs of various sizes across multiple industries and regions. Syncro appeals to smaller MSPs while providing the flexibility and features required by a growing business.

Syncro has rapidly grown to become a significant player in the MSP software market, thanks to its all-in-one platform that addresses both RMM and PSA needs. With a focus on innovation and customer satisfaction, Syncro continues to evolve, offering new features and enhancements that keep pace with the dynamic needs of the IT services industry.

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